Miracles Melodies is a children's book that follows the journey of a young girl named Miracle who loves to sing but struggles with a stutter when she speaks. Determined to share her voice with the world, Miracle practices every day until she can sing without stuttering. This heartwarming and inspiring tale, brought to life with illustrations, encourages children to pursue their passions and embrace the beauty of their unique talents. The book also includes a workbook to help children explore their own passions and develop their talents. At the end of the book, children can use the journal to help them discover how to conjure their own fears and address any negative self-talk, empowering them to overcome their own obstacles and achieve their dreams. Miracles Melodies is a book that will make you want to sing and dance along, and leave you feeling uplifted and inspired. While the book doesn't have any music attached, it is sure to inspire children to find their own melodies and share their voices with the world.
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Pick up your copy at Amazon.com today!